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A Letter From Within the Wildfire

I found this journal entry from right around the time that I began experiencing odd nerve pain in my torso. I initially thought that I had shingles but no break out of rash followed, so that theory was eliminated. It was a little more than four months until I knew that it was a more aggressive Lymphoma than what I had been living with for seven years. Here's a peek at my journey through the wildfire... 18 December 2019 I am sitting here, a sentient being  I am aware that in light of all the things that I have learned in life, all of the practices that have served to bring light and life, I have entered a season where none of this knowledge, none of these practices are able to bring about the life that I desire.  Perhaps I’m in a wilderness, perhaps the hidden physical ailments of cancer and auto-immune disorders are more active in my body and are secretly spiriting away my true essence.  I do have some daily delights that make me aware that I am capable of feeling them. O...

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